Hot Young Girl Picture - Nabila Syakieb with THE REAL POCONG

An artist and the film, nabila Syakieb who is now a relationship with Yuri Ihza Mahendra, claim to not have a plan to get married in the near future. Both himself and the girlfriend is still preoccupied with the rush and learn akting.

"We do not have plans for marriage, we still Go girls, there has been no thought to the way there. I still own focus sinetron and film," said nabila confess that relationship adequately, with the son of former Secretary of State, Yusril Ihza Mahendra was.

Nabila that found in the Pre-screening and Preskon newest film, THE REAL Pocong (Pocong 4), the Score Citos, Thursday (26 / 2), the world kesibukannya in akting. Some jobs have been waiting, and we realize that according to him already as part of the profession.

"I was busy schedule, I might finish this syuting stripping, and I do not have a confirmation with my boyfriend, because he know that this is a job I know the consequences and the way he is with me," specifically.

While the relationship is a matter of contention with a stagnant Yuri, women play a new prime movie oppugn. Thus himself who felt stagnant in the case study, when the boyfriend is almost complete.

"We still Get any relationship let alone we are still young I was 23 years old. We still Get serious with the relationship but not to the direction there," added nabila not want to confess that marriage is too old.

Meanwhile, asked concerning the possibility marriage series, such as that carried out many of the celebrities at this time, nabila submit fully to those who do. But in private, will not itself lead such a way. The marriage must be shared, so brisk newspaper.

"If I marry series no comment, but it's all back to their confidence, the trust only. If we want to get married why should secretly. Kan happy so glad that all people must know," his him.


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