Actress Vanessa Hudgens latest leaked nude pics

Hudgens was born in Salinas, California, and lived all over the West Coast – from Oregon to Southern California – with her parents, Gina (née Guangco) and Gregory Hudgens and a sister, Stella Hudgens. Hudgens and her family moved to Los Angeles after she won a role in a television commercial. Hudgens's father is of Irish and Native American descent, and her mother, who grew up in Manila, is Filipina. Both sets of Hudgens' grandparents were musicians.

Vanessa Hudgens told E! over the weekend that she will be getting naked in a future film . . . which is such a predictable response from someone like her. Just once, I'd like one of these young stars to admit that they will eventually do nudity. Oh wait . . . that is what she said. Sweet! From E!:

"I will show nudity in a film when the time is right," Hudgens, 20, told us at this weekend's Diesel Only the Brave cologne launch party in West Hollywood. "Right now, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it, but like I said, when the time's right, if it's an amazing movie that I'm really passionate about and that's what it calls for, then we'll see."

The Vanessa Hudgens nude photos in the High School Musical scandal are your typical teen takes digital photo of herself in front of the mirror, only with no clothes on. Taking nude pics while wearing only a gold chain around her waist is something any teenage girl might do to please Zach Efron. Whether these nude pics will hurt Vanessa’s career or make her even more famous, only time and the National Enquirer can tell.

Leaked in 2007

Leaked in 2009

Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988) is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her role as Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical film series. She pursued a solo music career and released her debut album V on September 26, 2006. The album debuted at number twenty four in the U.S. and was later certified Gold. Hudgens released her second album, Identified in July 1, 2008 in the U.S. She has three upcoming films: Bandslam, in theaters August 14, 2009, Beastly in 2010, and Sucker Punch! in 2011.


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