I went to a town hall tonight, have VIDEO!!!

Can I tell you that I LOVE my congressman???? Truly, he is an awesome representative. The people I sat next to had vetted him as well, not just looking at his website, but searching other websites for his REAL voting record. They found nothing that a conservative could object to. And he spoke lovingly about his wife, who sat in the first row, a cancer survivor.

I sat in the 3rd row. Thanks to a lovely lady who moved her purse for me as I begged for a seat up close. This was great because I was hoping to make high quality You Tube videos and I DID.

This is the first one. Rep. Gary Miller, R-CA, spoke at the Nixon Library tonight to a largely conservative crowd. Out of 500 people, there were maybe 40 liberals, in my estimation. Of course, this is Orange County, CA, and we have a reputation for conservatism.

These are some of Rep. Miller's opening remarks. I will be putting up more videos of the people who asked questions and his responses, so look for more EXCLUSIVE footage.


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