Kevin Dujan at Hillbuzz witnessed blatant in-your-face corruption at the Iowa caucus he attended. This is eye-opening: In 2008, I worked a Caucus site in Dubuque, Iowa for Hillary Clinton’s campaign — where I saw firsthand just how terrible a Caucus is and how easy it is for voter fraud and intimidation, election tampering, and other nefarious acts to occur in what is the only-slightly-contained chaos of a Caucus. With the Iowa Caucuses set to convene tonight across the Hawkeye State, you’ll be hearing many in the lazy, agenda-driven media spouting all sorts of drivel about how glorious the Caucus system is and how “unique” and “special” it remains; don’t believe a word of that claptrap. Very few of the talking heads and reporters who will praise the Caucuses tonight have ever actually been to one and seen how disorganized, rife with fraud, and ridiculous Iowa’s voting system is. Four years ago to the day, my friends and I from Team Hillary here in Chicago were stationed in Du...