Death Threats Against Conservatives
A publisher of a Tea Party coloring book for kids is receiving death threats. Vitriolic diatribes where the person states they would like to get the publisher "in a chloroform headlock." This strikes close to home, as at least one conservative blogger has recently been chased off the internet because of vitriolic death threats. Will the Dems stop at nothing to get their way in the November elections? I know this is crunch time politically, but is there no restraint? I am glad to hear that the publisher of this coloring book is not backing down to this pressure. As Americans, we must stand up to the thugs, or our nation will be run by them. The 32-page coloring book teaches children and parents about the origins of the Tea Party -- "A very pleasant song, coloring and activity book on Liberty, Faith, Freedom and so much more!" -- according to the company's website. "Get involved, participate, self reliance, freedom of choice, work, government-of-for-by t...